Educational Consultation and Planning

Every family will hit a crossroads, and can benefit from an outside perspective on which way to go next. Transitions come in many forms – moving from one school to another, a change in a family unit, children hitting a new developmental milestone, or the looming world after high school. Transitions can be disruptive, and can create unease or confusion within family systems. My experience in helping adolescents and their families to navigate school systems and community-based programs has proven to be incredibly helpful in times of transition.

If your family is at such a crossroads and you feel that an outside perspective would be useful, I can help. I can unpack how school systems work, and can assist in developing post-secondary transition plans, providing an effective, collaborative way to create a roadmap for your child’s journey.

Beginning with a Person Centered Planning approach, we will work as a group and individually to drill down on what your family’s needs and goals are, and will develop an actionable plan to reach those goals.

  • If you and your child need clarity on what to expect from different school settings, and what programs are available in the area — academic, social, or vocational, or wholly unique — I can walk you through how each setting works, give a basic understanding of that setting’s day to day mission, and help see if it would work for your family.

  • In the case of academic difficulties in particular subjects — or difficulties at school in general — I can hear what’s going on and identify potential causes and provide potential solutions for your child that already exist in their school.

  • If your family is planning on a traditional post-secondary college transition, I can help navigate the college admissions process by matching your student's abilities, goals, and needs to specific schools to determine which options are a good fit.

  • If your child is unsure what life after high school holds, I can offer insight into existing options and help match your child’s strengths with those options to help provide an outcome closest to what the family would like.